As unbelievable as it feels, this is the beginning of my sixth month abroad and my third month in my community. Training feels so long ago but it still feels as though I arrived in my site yesterday. While a lot has already changed and I have started a lot of new activities, I just feel like there is so much more to do, so many more areas that I need to get involved in, so many more people I should know. However, I have decided that I should from now on only write new updates on "good days" so that I do find myself over exaggerating the bad parts and writing more level headed. Obviously, not everyday will be good or bad, I have found that rather than having good or bad days, its the hours or even the minutes that are good or bad. However, all in all, yesterday was one of the best days I have had in my site so far so I figured I would update everyone on what has happened so far with computer classes (not so great) and this past week and a half.
Computer classes officially began on Monday August 3rd. I'm really not sure exactly the reasons but there are quite a few that can justify why no one showed up to the first and second classes this week (Monday @ 5 and Tuesday @ 3). Reason #1, it has been pouring, absolutely torrential downpours this past week. Everything is soaked, the roads are in terrible shape as is and with added water, there are parts that are completely covered with water. Reason #2; the high school students are in the middle of exams and the way the exam system here works is very staggered so that each grade has certain days they go to the school for exams and the rest of the students are off that day. In my mind, this would mean the students that don't have class that day would be eager to do something but its the exact opposite so that has also lead to a decline in attendance in the English classes. And reason #3 and probably the most likely; communication issues. This is something that has plagued me from the beginning and something that is an issue throughout the community. I figured by posting flyers in central areas in the community, that would be sufficient to let people know the schedule and place of the classes but as I have talked to people again just through day to day life, many people are still unaware classes have begun and don't know the schedule. As frustrating as it is, I am still hopeful that more people will continue to show up later this week. I did have nearly 25 students show up to the "advanced" class this past Tuesday @ 5, the majority of whom were high school students. In fact, throughout the conversations I have had with people, there seems to be more interest in the advanced classes rather than the beginner classes, so much so that I may have to switch one beginner day to another advanced class.
Yesterday was the circuit (I think) spelling bee, meaning the winners from each school competed in a more local spelling bee. Henry, the student from my community, won once again and will now be representing the Gaupiles region in the regional spelling bee later this month. Just cool to see some outcome of some work, even if it was only a little work on my part.
Yesterday I was invited to be a judge of the environment awareness fair in the elementary school which was just another way I have been feeling more involved here. Got to see all the preschool kids present their projects which was adorable and then see some of the older kids present on recycling, contamination and the importance of taking care of the environment.
The coolest part yesterday, was in both my adult and high school English class, I was able to see some real progress with the students and it seemed as though the students in both classes were understanding the material more and more. This week we learned the verb "to live" and how to describe where other people live. But the coolest thing was that without a guide on the board, I was able to get pairs of students to have a small conversation using the greetings we learned, the question how are you and its responses and the goodbyes we learned. For the most part, the students were able to use a greeting, ask the question and respond and then end the conversation without help from a guide or from me. Although some the pronunciation obviously needs some work, it was one of those good moments where I actually felt like I accomplished something here.
Lastly, I introduced a new possible class for high school students that will introduce them to the basics of finance, accounting and entrepreneurship and had some decent interest in the possibility of this class. The next step is talking with the director of the school and presenting the idea to the whole student body to see if there is sufficient interest. At this point, because exams go until the 14th and I have training the 24th to the 31st, the earliest this class will start is early September but excited to see how much interest there is.
Next week on the 12th and 13th, I am going to San Jose to get my resident papers (!) for Costa Rica and an identification which will allow me to no longer have to carry my passport as the sole method of identification and will also more importantly, sign up for a phone plan which will certainly save me some money every month. Looking forward to seeing some of the other volunteers and see how they have been coping in their sites.
Its pouring rain today and I have a computer class today at 3 so I will be surprised to see if anyone decides to show up. Staying optimistic.